Master 9 important concepts like data collection methods, survey design, research, and survey sampling
This 30-page guide shares practical examples, case studies, and tips to help improve your data collection.
More than 15,000 people from leading nonprofits, philanthropies, and companies found this book useful.
A clear research question, outcomes, and indicators are the best base for an effective survey.
Learn when you should use observations, questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions.
Master when and how to best use qualitative vs. quantitative research questions.
Which questions should you ask and, more importantly, which questions you should avoid?
A good survey question asked in the wrong way will just confuse your results.
Other tips and tools to help with writing clear, objective questions.
Write “Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive” questions to ensure you get good data.
How do closed-ended questions differ from open-ended questions, and when is each most effective?
How to make sure that your sampling error does not invalidate the results of your survey.
This is a superb data collection guide. It helped me understand how to deal with large and unknown population sizes, a typical problem faced by a lot of my colleagues. This book is a must have for all researchers.