Collect Location Data on Mobile
Create Location Question on Desktop

Collect Latitude & Longitude Data Without Internet

Record high-quality location data even in remote areas with no internet connectivity — using the Collect app.

Tick Mark Icon

Fetch your location automatically

Tick Mark Icon

Works anywhere without internet

Tick Mark Icon

Geo-tag any photo or image

Tick Mark Icon

Adjust the accuracy of geo-location data

No Credit Card Required.

Create a location question
Make questions mandatory
Automatically fetch the location
Set location accuracy

Add validations to get more accurate locations

  • Create a location question to collect a latitude and longitude data point on our easy-to-use web dashboard.

  • Don't let surveyors miss important location questions. Make any location question mandatory.

  • Not sure if surveyors will know their exact location? Let the device automatically fetch its latitude and longitude.

  • Set how precise you want your latitude and longitude to be. You can choose high, medium or low accuracy levels.

Collect a latitude and longitude location in seconds

Collect makes it easy to track your phone or tablet’s GPS location, no matter where you are. Automatically record the GPS location of each survey, or view a satellite map of your area and tag your location. All without internet.

Check the accuracy of captured locations

Once you've captured a latitude and longitude, it's important to check whether it's correct. View it on a satellite map of your area to make sure it's perfect.

Map your world down to exact latitudes and longitudes on Collect.

Start Your Free Trial Now

Mark your exact location on a map

Is your device's GPS a bit out of sync? No problem! Search for a specific location, select nearby points on Google Maps, or drag and drop your pin on a satellite map.

Geotag your photos with their exact location

Don't just take photos. Take geotagged photos — embedded with the exact latitude and longitude where the photo was taken. They're perfect for keeping your surveyors accountable or getting better data.

See all your locations on a map

View all the locations collected by your team on a satellite map. There's no better way to see the reach of your programs or the diversity of your data.

Don't stop with locations. Collect even better data with more features from Collect.

Image Capture

Collect an image from the camera or its gallery, and set benchmarks for the quality of collected photos.

Offline Data Collection

Collect data anywhere, anytime. Data will save and sync whenever you connect to internet.

Team Management

Create team hierarchies that match your organizational hierarchy for seamless field deployments on the go.


Track entities (people, programs, etc.) over time without having to re-enter baseline information.

Data Validations

Keep out bad data by setting rules for what data is and isn't allowed for each question in your survey.

Skip Logic

Use layers of conditionality, linked questions, or linked surveys to make any form quicker and easier.

Multilingual Forms

Create a survey in any language, or translate the entire app into one of our pre-set languages.

Audio Capture

Hear exactly what's going on in the field with audio questions, which record an audio snippet.

All kinds of data...

Collect any type of data with everything from simple subjective questions to complex group questions.


  • Single Choice
  • Multiple Choice
  • Email
  • Filter


  • Numerical
  • Date
  • Time
  • Scale
  • Phone Number
  • Calculation


  • Photo
  • Audio
  • Signature
  • Barcode


  • Map
  • Geolocation


  • Section Break
  • Note


  • Group
  • Monitoring
  • Identifier

Our field staff are 7th class Marathi-speaking women who might be using smartphones for the first time. It took very little time to train them to use Collect as it is so easy and intuitive to use!

Kshitij Sharma
Kshitij Sharma

M&E Evaluator

Swades Foundation

Collect high-quality data from anywhere. No coding or internet required.

No Credit Card Required.